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Product Complaint Hotlines

Product Complaint Hotlines

Become Proactive not Reactive in Dealing with Your Product Complaints

Managing customer complaints quickly, effectively and in line with regulatory requirements is a key component of the customer experience and helps to maintain deep, lasting customer relationships.

As well as this, complaints – although initially prompted by a customer’s dissatisfaction – provide valuable feedback from customers and are an opportunity to recover relationships, rebuild trust and enhance customer loyalty.

Complaints remain high on SADA and the NCC’s list of priorities, and so firms falling short in this area are likely to come under greater SADA scrutiny. By outsourcing your product complaints service your have a 24/7 on call customer service line at your disposal , as opposed to traditional internal customer service employee who works within the average 9 -5 working hour field.

Give your customers the “always on” service they need and with a product complaints line, we will handle the calls while you handle the business.

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